Hello, I'm a front-end developer based in France !

Maxime Kirch

Curious Developer

Profile Picture


I'm a junior but ambitious front-end developer. I began web development in February, 2021. In the near future i would like to learn full-stack techs like Node.js to build an end-to-end project. I actually work in a small startup which want to connect sports players between them. I like resolve problems, challenge myself, learn and create news things everyday. You can see here my portfolio build with Next.js, ChakraUI, Blender, ThreeJS and FrameMotion.


1993Born in Bastia, Corsica, France.
2011Bachelor of Economics and Social Sciences
2021Completed bootcamp for Front-End Engineer career

I ♥

Music, Trail Running, Hiking, CrossFit, Video Games.


Want to know more about me ? Here is my resume !

On the web